Fransalian Center for Spirituality
PSALM 46:10
Wellspring is a Catholic spirituality center, located in Whitehouse, Texas, that offers spiritual growth opportunities such as classes and retreats and promotes contemplative spirituality. The center is owned and operated by The Missionaries of St. Francis de Sales and operates on a basic vision that all of God’s people are called to holiness and that it is possible for all to live a contemplative life style while being active in ministry.


Saturday, February 8, 2025
9:30 am - 12:30 pm
God not only created us with a purpose but
also endowed us with a direction and the
power to fulfill our purpose.
Join us at Wellspring as Fr. Gus inspires us
with ways to grow in our God-given purpose.
Fr. Gus Tharappel will guide the retreat.
To register, please email retreatsatwellspring@gmail.com

Reflection theme and prayer
9:00 am and 5:00 pm
Monday - Friday
7:00 am
The Mother of Compassion Shrine
is open daily for
prayer and reflection.

The Presentation of the lord
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Today we remember and celebrate the presentation of the Lord in the temple. When Jesus was 40 days old, Mary and Joseph brought him to the temple in Jerusalem to present him to the Lord, according to their tradition to fulfill what the law had prescribed (Luke 2:22-40 – today’s Gospel reading). Anna and Simeon, two elderly people of great holiness recognized Jesus. They were filled with joy. Simeon took Jesus in his arms and sang a beautiful prayer song. In his prayer song, Simeon said: “Now, Master, you may let your servant go in peace, according to your word, for my eyes have seen your salvation” (Luke 2:29-30) - now that he has seen the messiah, he could die in peace. This embrace of the messiah was enough for Simeon…life was fulfilled….hunger and thirst were satisfied.
This reminds me of what Jeremiah said, “When you look for me, you will find me. Yes, when you seek me with all your heart, I will let you find me.” (Jeremiah 29:13-14) The Psalmist sang about his longing for God, “As a doe longs for flowing streams, so my soul longs for you, oh God. My soul thirsts for God for the living God.” (Psalm 42) St. Augustine said, “our hearts are restless until they rest in God.”
These are ancient words of Jeremiah and the Psalmist, over three thousand years old and those of St. Augustine, 1670 years old. Yet they are still living words. Most of us have experienced dryness in the throat, restlessness of the spirit, longing of the heart, urgency of the desire, passion for something bigger than us, hunger and thirst for God and God’s ways. We too are blessed with deep, intense and passionate desire for a vision of God like Simeon and Anna, Jeremiah and the Psalmist and St. Augustine. We are often not aware of this hunger and when we are aware, we tend to satisfy ourselves with perishable bread. Some of us are not even aware that there is imperishable bread that can satisfy the deepest longings of our heart.
There are those moments when we have to pull back from the daily routines of our lives and bless ourselves with silence, solitude.......freed from lectures, sermons, chants, laments, buying and selling and the like that crowd our lives! Simeon and Anna spent their lives in the temple, contemplating and waiting for the Messiah to come and sang their song when they found him. Jeremiah, the Psalmist and Augustine delved into their loneliness, doubts and fears and found God and God’s way and sang their song of joy.
To read more of this Sunday’s reflection, please click on the link below.....

daily meditations
Click on the date to read Fr. Gus' meditations
on the Scripture readings of the daily Mass.