Fransalian Center for Spirituality

wellspring reflection theme
We reflected on “Forbearance” as our theme of reflection in 2024. Our theme for reflection in 2025 is “purposefulness.” We want to let purposefulness define our character and let it become our way of being, of living and of acting. Purposefulness is single-mindedness and pure-heartedness. It is the ultimate virtue that inspires and moves us to fulfill our God-given purpose. It is a dynamic and positive character trait that shows clarity of purpose, intentionality, and determination. It is the virtue of the person with a clear vision of purpose, who actively, intentionally and tenaciously works towards fulfilling their discerned purpose. God called Abraham, gave him a purpose to follow God’s direction and told him to “walk before me and be blameless.” (Genesis 12:1-3 and 17:1-6) Abraham was ninety-nine years old when God gave him his purpose. Two thousand years later, Jesus said to his disciples, “Blessed are the pure of heart, they will see God.” (Matthew 5:8)
Purity of heart is purposiveness, single-mindedness and single-heartedness. Blessed is the person whose mind and heart are single, unmixed, undivided, pure - purposeful and that person will see God. Purposefulness is the quality of being which makes the vision of God possible because God will make himself visible to the pure of heart. Jesus was on his way to Jerusalem, his final destination, where He would fulfill his Father’s will, the purpose for which He came. He knew that the cross was waiting for him. Peter tried to prevent Jesus from going to Jerusalem. Jesus asked Peter to get out his way and follow him. He had his mind and heart set on Jerusalem, the cross, the death, the resurrection and the fulfillment of his purpose. He was determined, purposive, single-minded, and single-hearted to fulfill his purpose.
I pray for you, and I pray for all who are welcoming the gift of this New Year 2025 with all its uncertainties. May God bless you and enable you to experience His unfailing, unconquerable and unconditional Love. I pray that you will discover your God-given purpose and strive to fulfill that purpose as we study, reflect and meditate on purposefulness. May this New Year be the most amazing, fascinating, marvelous, wonderful and joy-filled year for you and for those you love! May God bless you with the richest and finest of his blessings.
Loving Father, thank you for creating me with a unique purpose and placing me where I am today. Help me discern your purpose for me and strive to fulfill that purpose. May all my plans and projects, the goals I set and the work I do, the life I live and the relationships I keep reflect your purpose for me. May all my choices and commitments, my desires and hopes and my will be aligned with your will.
Thank you, Father, for all the gifts, skills and talents, knowledge and wisdom and the wonderful people whom you send into my life. Help me to use all your blessings in ways that bring you honor and glory and praise. Help me use all your blessings to bless those around me. May I help others come to know that they too have a unique purpose that you gave them. May I help them find and fulfill their purpose.
Loving Father, help me to remain resolute in fulfilling my purpose even when things are not working out as I have planned. It is your purpose that I want to fulfill. Tired or weary, successful or unsuccessful, help me be patient and persevering in fulfilling your purpose for me. Help me remember that you “will bring to completion what you have begun in me.” (Psalm 138) Amen.
Fr. Gus Tharappel